Jamie Wilson Fund
Created August 21, 2014
Kathy Marie Johnson
Jamie has had another setback!! We thought we
were on our way to recovery and infection extends Jamie's lengthy stay
in the hospital. This most current infection is in his bone which may
require another surgery and the loss of yet another bone. We have been
moved out of the rehabilitation hospital and back into an acute care
facility. (Good Sam) this hard road just became even harder!! God's
mercy on my child and our family!! As a mother I struggle with every
ounce of his pain magnified by a million!! We covet your prayers!!
First time feeding himself at Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital!!!

Jamie has been at Cardinal Hill
for a week now and is improving each day!! We have been informed that
his injuries are C5 , C6 complete break which means his spinal cord was
completely severed, Leaving him as a quadriplegic, paralyzed from the
collar bone down. The Dr here at Cardinal Hill has given him a 10%
chance of walking again which is better than 0%!!! He has some movement
of his arms but no control of them and no use of his hands. He's down
from 250 pounds to 195 pounds and most of the weight loss was muscle!!
We've been informed that he will require round the clock care when he
returns home due to substantial weakness due to his muscle loss! We are
so grateful to all that have kept us in their prayers and have donated
in order to continue to care for Jamie!! Situations have changed and I
will be taking Jamie to my home in 3 weeks and Financial needs for him
continue to mount!! I have to stay home with him 24/7 and I have to
renovate my home in order to accommodate his disability. Any and all
help is appreciated, whether it's $1 or a prayer we respectfully
appreciate your help!! Again thank you so much and as Jamie has said
every day since he awakened from the accident, "Be careful!! Your life
can change in an instant!!"
Jamie Wilson was hit by a car crossing Man O War on August 13 2014.
Currently he is at University of Kentucky Hospital in the Trauma
Intensive Care Unit and is paralyzed from the chest down. Many other
injuries have required seven surgeries so far and the medical bills are
mounting quickly. James Wilson has a loving wife, Katherine Carter
Wilson and three children, ages 6, 2, and 2 months in their home and a
10 year old daughter who lives outside of their home. The struggle for
his wife and children has become overwhelming. I am asking that we help
this family during this very difficult time. Whether it's $1 or just a
prayer. Every donation is appreciated!!